Mob Studio Sessions

Music Courses for Young people

Mad Proppa Deadly’s  Mob Studio Sessions provides young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people participation in quality music education using song writing, recording & performance.

Working in partnership with the New England Conservatorium of Music (NECOM) and Uralla Central School, MPD is facilitating Mob Studio Sessions across a full school year to support the wellbeing and mental health of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and young people in the Northern Tablelands.

This project is proudly supported by the NSW Government in association with New England Conservatorium of Music.


Wellbeing | Youth

Upcoming Courses 2023

Digital Music Production 2

(Beginner and Intermediate)

This 8 week course will equip you with the basics of setting up a digital audio workstation and using Ableton Live to create your own original beats and recording vocal chains.
Cost: Free
Who: Young people 12-24yrs from Armidale and surrounds
When: Term 1 2023 Tuesdays 4-6pm
Where: Mob Studio at New England Conservatorium Cnr Mossman & Faulkner St, Armidale
*transport available


Level Up

This 8 week course will equip you with the skills to write, produce and record original songs from start to finish in the studio with support from respected music industry mentors. In addition you will learn about further pathways in the music industry and level up your performance game.
Cost: Free
Who: Young people 12-24yrs from Armidale and surrounds
When: Term 2 2023 Tuesdays 4-6pm
Where: Mob Studio at New England Conservatorium Cnr Mossman & Faulkner St, Armidale
*transport available


Summer Holiday Workshops 2023

Songwriting and Beats for Wellbeing

@ Tamworth Youthie, 1A Quinn ST, West Tamworth

18th & 19th January 10am-3pm

For young people 12-18yrs - FREE

This two-day workshop will provide young people regardless of musical experience the opportunity to embrace the art of songwriting as a tool for self-reflection and healing through use of stream of consciousness methodology. Led by Sewa Emojong (ES Malaika) and Nate Weatherall (MPD).
This workshop is presented by the Tamworth Regional Council as part of their January School Holiday Program.


2400 Studio

@ Moree SHAE Academy , 114 Anne St, Moree

20th & 21st January 11am-4pm

For young people 12-18yrs - FREE

Nate will be bringing the digital audio workstations to the SHAE Academy for some beat-making, songwriting and recording over two-days.
These workshops are part of the Summer School Holiday Programs organised by Miyay Birray Youth Service, Moree Sports Health Arts and Education Academy, Just Reinvest and Centacare Moree.


Elements DJ Workshop

@ Uralla Neighbourhood Centre, 27 Salisbury St, Uralla

24th January 11am-3pm

For young people 12-24yrs - FREE

Local OG, Mix-Master, Turntable Technician, DJ "RIP", represents SUPAFLY URBAN CULTURE, with his RIP Entertainment "ELEMENTS" Hip-Hop DJ Workshop, providing an animated session of history, knowledge and music adventure, demonstrating DJ basics and some more advanced mix techniques & wheels of steel scratch wizardry.

This workshop is supported by the NSW Government in partnership with New England Conservatorium of Music as part of the Mob Studio Sessions Project.


Elements DJ Workshop

@ West Armidale Outreach Centre, 28 Claude St Armidale

25th January 11am-3pm

For young people 12-24yrs - FREE

Local OG, Mix-Master, Turntable Technician, DJ "RIP", represents SUPAFLY URBAN CULTURE, with his RIP Entertainment "ELEMENTS" Hip-Hop DJ Workshop, providing an animated session of history, knowledge and music adventure, demonstrating DJ basics and some more advanced mix techniques & wheels of steel scratch wizardry.

This workshop is supported by the NSW Government in partnership with New England Conservatorium of Music as part of the Mob Studio Sessions Project.




Register - Digital Music Production 2

This 8 week course will cover how to make beats, structure songs and record in the studio. Cost: free Who: young people 12-24yrs from Armidale and surrounds When: Tuesdays 4-6pm in Term 1 Where: Mob Studio at New England Conservatorium Cnr Mossman & Faulkner St, Armidale *transport available For further info please contact Nate on 0455 859 979 or

Date of Birth(Required)
Do you require transport?(Required)